The different types of canards in slow-fast systems on surfaces 时间 Datetime 2024-03-08 16:00 — 17:00 地点 Venue 会议室(706) 报告人 Speaker Prof. Peter de Maesschalck 单位 Affiliation University Hasselt, Belgium 邀请人 Host 吴文俊数学中心 备注 remarks 报告摘要 Abstract
We give a framework to deal with slow-fast systems in the most generality. We introduce a new kind of classification that was introduced in a recent paper by the speaker, Dumortier and Roussarie, and show that the phrase ``there can only be one flying canard'' is to be interpreted in a context with limitations. -- FROM 202.120.11.*
搜了一下才知道,主要内容来自 Canard Cycles_ From Birth to Transition(2021,Peter De Maesschalck, Freddy Dumortier, Robert Roussarie) 这本书。好久不关注奇异摄动不知道还有 Canard Explosion, Flying Canard, and Sitting Canards 这种东西 -- FROM 202.120.11.*