What is a nonholonomic system?
A nonholonomic system is a type of system in which constraints on motion cannot be expressed as integrable differentiable equations. In other words, the system cannot be described by a set of equations that can be integrated to give a unique solution for the system's motion.
The key feature of nonholonomic systems is that they have constraints on motion that are non-integrable. This means that the constraints cannot be derived from a scalar function of the system's state variables, which is a requirement for a system to be holonomic.
A common example of a nonholonomic system is a wheeled vehicle, such as a car or a robot with wheels. The motion of the vehicle is subject to constraints that depend on the orientation of the wheels, such as the fact that the wheels can only move in the direction they are facing. These constraints are non-integrable, and therefore the motion of the vehicle cannot be described using holonomic equations of motion.
Nonholonomic systems are of interest in many areas of physics and engineering, including robotics, control theory, and mathematical physics. They often require specialized techniques for analysis and control, such as the use of differential geometry and geometric control theory.
第一段和第3段是错的。。。第一段错的原因在于,把可解性的“可积”跟 frobenius意义下的可积 搞混了,严格的说这是数学界的锅,因为有一大坨不同定义的“可积”,多数数学家在默认读者已经知道了是哪个的情况下,只写“integral”,不注意很容易搞错,所以AI在这里无从分辨。
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: 我问的每次都只给一段,而且是错的定义。你的为啥有三段?我把字数限制已经放开了啊?
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