SCAP Letter:
Who else wants an in-person conference?
2021 Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology ‘LIVE’ (SCAP2021)
9-10 December 2021
Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium, Singapore
We’re pleased to announce that 2021 Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP 2021), organized by East Asia Research and supported by Singapore University of Technology and Design and University of Derby, will be live, in-person, in Singapore from December 9-10, 2021! Learn from the masters of Applied Psychology at the premier conference for the global Applied Psychology community.
The theme for SCAP 2021 is “Psychological Well-being”. We invite researchers and practitioners from all fields of psychology research and practice to present and discuss recent innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Applied Psychology, with a special focus on ‘Psychological Well-Being’. This can include clinical and non-clinical psychological well-being and we encourage submissions that cross disciplines, for example psychological well-being in education and the workplace.
Join us for SCAP 2021 at Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium, Singapore and walk away with powerful knowledge that will empower you to forge the path for the future of Applied Psychology. Limited seating may apply. ‘BUY TICKET’ now. Don’t wait – this rate won’t last long!
Due to the persistence of COVID-19, the conference will be conducted in a ‘Hybrid Format’. Participants can make oral/poster presentations onsite or send us pre-recorded video presentations and register as a ‘Virtual Presenter’. They will indicate their preferred presentation medium when they register. The ‘Early Bird Registration Deadline’ is on October 11th 2021.
SCAP Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Yow Wei Quin, Assoc. Professor and Assoc. Head of HASS (Research), Singapore University of Technology and Design
Dr. Thomas Hunt, Conference Chair, Assoc. Professor, School of Human Sciences, University of Derby
Dr. Carrie Childs, Senior Lecturer, School of Human Sciences, University of Derby
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th June 2021
Web address: by: East Asia Research, University of Derby and Singapore University of Technology and Design
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