sw1(config)#link-aggregation 1
arp Command arp
arp-check Arp-check
clear Command clear
description Link Aggregation interface description Information
dhcp-snooping Dhcp-snooping
dot1x Configure dot1x parameters
end Exit from configuration mode
exit Exit from current EXEC mode
frame-tag Frame tag
groupping Send echo messages
help Description of the interactive help system
inner-priority-trust Inner tag priority trust
ip Internet protocol configure command
ip-subnet-vlan Configure ip subnet vlan attributes
link-aggregation Configure Link Aggregation properties
lldp Lldp
load-interval Set load interval delay
logging Logging
loopback-detection Loopback detection
mac Bind a filter based MAC address
mac-address MAC address learning
mac-vlan Configure mac vlan attributes
map-table QoS mapping table
mvst Mvst
ndsp Ndsp
no Command no
ping Send echo messages
port-security Security related command
port-type Configure interface uni or nni
protocol-vlan Configure protocol vlan
qos Command qos
rapid-scan Rapid link scan
show Command show
shutdown Shutdown this interface
spanning-tree Spanning-tree configuration
switchport Configure one or more ports parameters
traceroute Trace route to destination
ulpp UpLink Protect Protocol enable
uni-isolate Uni interface isolate
vlan Configure vlan
【 在 leelou 的大作中提到: 】
: 没做过思科的聚合组, link-aggregation 1之后直接回车呢,是不是到了另一个界面里?
FROM 117.136.38.*