- 主题:X1E的雷电口是不是容易坏
- 来自「最水木 for iPhone Xr」
FROM 223.246.197.*
【 在 onlyface 的大作中提到: 】
: 的两个口接绿联的扩展坞指示灯都不亮,usb也不识别,扩展坞在别的电脑上是OK的,是不是只能换主板了?
: - 来自「最水木 for iPhone Xr」
FROM 117.136.0.*
【 在 onlyface (ff) 的大作中提到: 】
: 的两个口接绿联的扩展坞指示灯都不亮,usb也不识别,扩展坞在别的电脑上是OK的,是不是只能换主板了?
: - 来自「最水木 for iPhone Xr」
FROM 124.202.207.*
【 在 onlyface 的大作中提到: 】
: 的两个口接绿联的扩展坞指示灯都不亮,usb也不识别,扩展坞在别的电脑上是OK的,是不是只能换主板了?
: - 来自「最水木 for iPhone Xr」
FROM 220.202.227.*
【 在 gyatso 的大作中提到: 】
: 雷电驱动问题,曾经遇到过,降级就好了,论坛上有人遇到同样问题。
: 【 在 onlyface 的大作中提到: 】
: ....................
- 来自「最水木 for iPhone Xr」
FROM 36.57.136.*
【 在 onlyface @ [Notebook] 的大作中提到: 】
: 哪个论坛,降到哪个版本?感谢,正准备去售后看看呢
: 【 在 gyatso 的大作中提到: 】
: : 雷电驱动问题,曾经遇到过,降级就好了,论坛上有人遇到同样问题。
: :
FROM 220.202.227.*
以下方法我只把Step 1做了一次,就解决了问题。
Try the following:
Step 1. Static Discharge
- Remove all cables attached to the device (ac adapter/power, hdmi, external mouse/keyboard, etc)
- Ensure device is switched OFF
- Hold down power button for 60 seconds
- Re-attach all cables
- Connect the AC Adapter, then let the device charge for about 2 minutes (if it does) then start up as usual.
- Try this a couple of times in case it doesn't solve the issue the first time (2-3)
Step 2. No display after wake from Power save mode/sleep.
External monitors lose display after wake from power save mode/sleep mode.
Check if the Thunderbolt icon shows the dock is connected. If not, set to ALWAYS connected (Thunderbolt docks only).
Rescan for hardware changes in Device Manager.
Open the Graphics control panel. Check if the monitor is detected. Set to display if detected.
Power off and power on the monitor to check if it works.
Disable the following option and see if the issue still occurs.
Step 3. Uninstall Thundebolt.
- Enter device manager, right click the Thunderbolt controller and select "uninstall"
- If prompted to uninstall drivers associated with the device, click yes and continue.
- Restart the device.
- Don't check for updates just yet.
- Enter the BIOS and check Thunderbolt settings.
- If enabled this time, enter Windows and check for updates, or leave it be if all is working.
Step 4. Reset docking station.
Check if the Wavelink has it's own reset function. Disconnect all peripherals and perform the reset of the Wavelink.
【 在 onlyface 的大作中提到: 】
: 的两个口接绿联的扩展坞指示灯都不亮,usb也不识别,扩展坞在别的电脑上是OK的,是不是只能换主板了?
: - 来自「最水木 for iPhone Xr」
FROM 112.27.202.*