【 在 wahrheit 的大作中提到: 】
: 据说,地下核爆试验与自然地震的地震波图形特征不同,在一定程度上可以区分。下图是两者的地震波图形对比。
: 自然地震一般都有余震,波形图会出现几个尖峰。而地下核爆试验的能量是在开始集中一次释放,之后逐渐减少。
: On the evening of October 5, 2024, a seismic event in Iran's Semnan province raised eyebrows and sparked a flurry of speculation across global social media platforms, particularly on X (formerly Twitter). This event, registering at a magnitude of 4.6, led to widespread discussions and rumors about whether it was an underground nuclear test conducted by Iran or merely a natural earthquake.
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FROM 36.110.41.*