- 主题:火线里的奥玛演员归西了
Michael K. Williams, who played Omar Little in "The Wire" with hard-edge charisma, was found dead in his home in Brooklyn. He was 54. His death is being investigated as a possible drug overdose. New York City’s medical examiner will determine the cause.
发自「今日水木 on iPhone SE 2」
FROM 223.104.39.*
名字有点熟 那个专抢毒贩的gay吗?
【 在 superhack 的大作中提到: 】
: Michael K. Williams, who played Omar Little in "The Wire" with hard-edge charisma, was found dead in his home in Brooklyn. He was 54. His death is being investigated as a possible drug overdose. New York City’s medical examiner will determine the cause.
: 发自「今日水木 on iPhone SE 2」
FROM 117.136.0.*
【 在 edmonday 的大作中提到: 】
: 名字有点熟 那个专抢毒贩的gay吗?
: --
发自「今日水木 on iPhone SE 2」
FROM 223.104.39.*
FROM 115.171.222.*
【 在 cre 的大作中提到: 】
: 擦,人生如戏,过量吸毒?也没挣到多少钱还住brooklyn
FROM 119.4.40.*
他本色出演 没想到还是摆脱不了毒品啊
【 在 superhack (superhack) 的大作中提到: 】
: Michael K. Williams, who played Omar Little in "The Wire" with hard-edge charisma, was found dead in his home in Brooklyn. He was 54. His death is being investigated as a possible drug overdose. New York City’s medical examiner will determine the cause.
: 发自「今日水木 on iPhone SE 2」
: --
FROM 61.148.245.*
【 在 mart (Don't Stop Believing ) 的大作中提到: 】
: 他本色出演 没想到还是摆脱不了毒品啊
FROM 219.152.153.*
the wire里最牛逼的了
FROM 124.126.178.*
【 在 superhack 的大作中提到: 】
: Michael K. Williams, who played Omar Little in "The Wire" with hard-edge charisma, was found dead in his home in Brooklyn. He was 54. His death is being investigated as a possible drug overdose. New York City’s medical examiner will determine the cause.
: 发自「今日水木 on iPhone SE 2」
FROM 36.110.9.*
【 在 visco 的大作中提到: 】
: 这哥们参演过不少美剧
FROM 221.216.116.*