For FHSS systems, IEEE 802.11 defines 79 different hops for the carrier freq
uency. Using these 79 frequencies, IEEE 802.11 defines 78 hopping sequences
(each with 79 hops) grouped in three sets of 26 sequences each. Sequences fr
om same set encounter minimum collisions and therefore may be allocated to c
ollocated systems. Theoretically, 26 FHSS systems may be collocated, but col
lisions will still occur in significant amounts.
【 在 rliw (女友糖尿病害我蛀牙) 的大作中提到: 】
: kidding?
: 美国明星小学都未必毕业吧。
: 不排除有天才,
: ...................
FROM 113.116.128.*