【 在 Etetet 的大作中提到: 】
: 昨天看了会invasion,又见女同!又见女同!
: 已经不记得是第几部美剧又搞这种女主是女同的人设,我勒个去,人类中女同比例有这么高?高到拍个剧就这种必须有?
: 这都反现实了吧
: 真的要吐了,看剧的毕竟99.99%是正常性向的人类
: 每部剧都自带gay,无论历史年代都必安插黑人,咬咬牙也就忍了,现在竟然发展到必带女同了,看来人兽风未来可期
: 吐的一塌糊涂
: --
: There were two main routes a culture could take, once it satisfied its basic material needs. One was to think and study: to stand back and observe, to seek knowledge and insight from the world around it. The other was to invest its energy in entrenching its good fortune.
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