Usage of Oriental
The noun Oriental has a long history of association with colonialism and with language that others and exoticizes people of various Asian identities. While Oriental is not offensive in senses 2 and 3 above, the use of Oriental to refer to a person is usually considered offensive.
【 在 shocker 的大作中提到: 】
: 从oriental是歧视就可以看出你为啥认为以前小眯眼在东亚的亚洲人不认为是歧视了,因为你啥都不懂,胡搅一通。
: 小眯眼为歧视普遍被东亚人熟知,除了没有接触欧美文化的(因为根本不知道这回事,就像冲不知道sb的老外喊sb一样,不过不代表sb不是骂人的话,不过是那个老外不知道罢了)
: oriental明明一个中性词,到成歧视了,让新东方这背gre出身的情何以堪。
FROM 172.58.219.*