CONCLUSION: These findings provide evidence of increased myeloid leukemia risk with exposure to formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde and Leukemia: An Updated Meta-Analysis and
Evaluation of Bias
Erika Schwilk, MD, MPH, Luoping Zhang, PhD, Martyn T. Smith, PhD, Allan H. Smith, MD, PhD,
and Craig Steinmaus, MD, MPH
《Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine》 , 2010 , 52 (9) :878
OBJECTIVE: Formaldehyde exposures are common, and data linking these exposures to leukemia have been mixed and controversial. The objective of this analysis is to review the current epidemiologic literature on formaldehyde and leukemia. METHODS: We performed an updated meta-analysis focusing on high-exposure groups and myeloid leukemia and included two large recent studies: one involving >25,000 workers in US formaldehyde industries and the other involving a cohort of >13,000 funeral directors and embalmers. RESULTS: Formaldehyde was associated with increased risks of leukemia (relative risk = 1.53; 95% confidence interval = 1.11 to 2.21; P = 0.005; 14 studies), specifically myeloid leukemia (relative risk = 2.47; 95% confidence interval = 1.42 to 4.27; P = 0.001; 4 studies). CONCLUSION: These findings provide evidence of increased myeloid leukemia risk with exposure to formaldehyde.
【 在 killearth 的大作中提到: 】
: 早就有权威的研究结论 没有任何证据证明甲醛和白血病之间的存在任何必然的因果联系
: 就你还傻缺抱着误传谣传不放,愚蠢不可怕,可怕的是竟然还不自知,还自作聪明
: 拿着谣传当真理
: ...................
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