HEPA filters, as defined by the DOE standard adopted by most American industries, remove at least 99.97% of airborne particles 0.3 micrometers (µm) in diameter. The filter's minimal resistance to airflow, or pressure drop, is usually specified around 300 Pa at its nominal flow rate.
The specification usually used in the European Union is the European Norm EN 1822:2009. It defines several classes of HEPA filters by their retention at the given most penetrating particle size (MPPS):
HEPA class retention (total) retention (local)
E10 > 85% ---
E11 > 95% ---
E12 > 99.5% ---
H13 > 99.95% > 99.75%
H14 > 99.995% > 99.975%
U15 > 99.9995% > 99.9975%
U16 > 99.99995% > 99.99975%
U17 > 99.999995% > 99.9999%
【 在 daguaibing (绒猫~大乖饼) 的大作中提到: 】
: 好像是换,半年一换
: 还很便宜,大概几十块钱
: 所以我觉得这么便宜一定不能除pm2.5
FROM 106.120.83.*