According to the U.S. Federal Register ,both Yang and Yao formally renounced U.S. citizenship in late 2015. The news came to light only this month when Chinese media reported they had joined CAS as domestic academics. The development adds another Nobel laureate to China's ranks.
Both men were born in China but established their careers in the United States and
retained their naturalized U.S. citizenship even after returning to China.
【 在 ihiker 的大作中提到: 】
: 谁告诉你的?扯蛋。去看看国籍法条文,根本没任何特例。杨振宁是不是牛人?也退出美国国籍了。
: 【 在 kxjml 的大作中提到: 】
: : 首先谷目前是中美双国籍
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