Gu wrote in her personal Sina Weibo page on 1 March 2021 that she had been recognized as a candidate for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program, as a January 2021 nominee from San Francisco University High School;[4][5] she was not ultimately awarded the scholarship,[6] and graduated early from secondary school.[7]
这个所谓的US presidential scholars program只颁发给美国公民或者永久居民:
All graduating high school seniors who are citizens of the United States or legal permanent residents around the globe,
如果谷爱凌退掉美国国籍,她也就不是permanent resident,如何获得提名?这些信息维基百科都可以查到,维基百科上甚至直接简单明了的写了她是中国、美国双国籍,不过注明了中国不承认双国籍。为了几块金牌天天给谷爱凌洗涤蒙骗自己的才可悲。
FROM 180.162.225.*