可能“父亲”当时并不承认或者不希望生下这个小孩, 但是谷燕坚持生下来了, 生下来之后才告诉了这个“父亲”
【 在 cre 的大作中提到: 】
: 哈哈哈,维基都没解开的好多年的秘密.... 只在中文网站迅速解密
: 所谓“父亲”本人说了:和谷燕约会过,认识她们很久
: Yan (Eileen's mom) and I dated for several years. I've known Eileen for many years, and I've very proud of all that she's accomplished, both on and off the snow. I did not meet Yan until sometime after Eileen was born.
: ...................
FROM 113.251.56.*