【 在 maga (陈兄|在路上) 的大作中提到: 】
: 哮喘病人能理解9.58还是博尔特放水的情况下跑出来的吗?
: 【 在 Cobb 的大作中提到: 】
: : 菲尔普斯赛后在nbc对这场比赛结果的点评:"Winning a 100 free by over a second? Holy crap. Like that? That's my blank I have never seen a win at that margin in my career. And to go 46"40, that's unheard of. To be that much close to get to 45 seconds in that long course of 100 freestyle? I can't understand that. I really can't."
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FROM 211.94.208.*