It's not that easy. you've overlooked a point.
Most technological innovations, especially hard tech are driven by capital.
In Europe and the United States, such innovations are generally purely market driven. Because of the accumulation of hundreds of years of old money, many hard technologies are located in small villages and towns.
Here, especially in the past 3-5 years, foreign capital has basically disappeared. Tech innovation mainly relies on the government. Super-large innovation investment, such as the biomanufacturing that Shenzhen has promoted in recent years, has been invested in tens of billions of yuan. Second- and third-tier cities can't afford this fiscal investment. So in the foreseeable future 10 years, the main technological development will go against the European and American momentum, only booming in super large cities.
【 在 salsalover 的大作中提到: 】
: 另外,科技也是不断下沉的
: 欧美科技下沉到东大一线,就能从一线扩散到二三线
: 这个进程很快
: ...................
FROM 61.51.252.*