- 主题:Are you looking to learn English with a native English spea
If so,you have come to the right place. I am an experienced English tutor from the US, looking for students to tutor in business and oral English. I have more than 5 years of teaching experience,and can speak Chinese very well. I am available to tutor on Friday evenings and weekends. For more information, please feel free to contact me on here or by text message at 13671108819. My rates are usually 120-150 RMB per hour, but negotiable. Thanks for your interest and good luck!
FROM 123.119.241.*
就是家教吧 而且是同时几人上课 这价格又不便宜
【 在 titi1010 (luckyme) 的大作中提到: 】
: 怎们外国人也这么缺钱啊,tutor啊,置于吗???
FROM 94.246.127.*
Actually, most English and other foreign teachers in Beijing and around China on average charge around 150 RMB per hour and even Chinese people who tutor subjects such as language and piano, etc.charge 100-400+ RMB per hour. Even Chinese who tutor English charge at least 100 RMB per hour. Considering the cost of living in Beijing and the price of food and housing, the price I charge is quite reasonable and not expensive.
【 在 yourchum (口黑人木) 的大作中提到: 】
: 就是家教吧 而且是同时几人上课 这价格又不便宜
FROM 123.119.242.*
And I only do one-to-one tutoring, not more than one student per time, so the price is not expensive.
【 在 joshinchina (Josh) 的大作中提到: 】
: Actually, most English and other foreign teachers in Beijing and around China on average charge around 150 RMB per hour and even Chinese people who tutor subjects such as language and piano, etc.charge 100-400+ RMB per hour. Even Chinese who tutor English charge at least 100 RMB per hour. Considering the cost of living in Beijing and the price of food and housing, the price I charge is quite reasonable and not expensive.
FROM 123.119.242.*
你说什么?我是外国人在中国。你也不认识我。你说我和外国人的话也有不对。中国人在国外教汉语一个小时要40-100美元。我要的价格真的不贵而且我教的都是一对一。我也有很多的教课experience and a rich academic background.
【 在 titi1010 (luckyme) 的大作中提到: 】
: 也是,外国人在国外混不下去了,来中国就凭着母语也照样有白花花的银子赚。。。
FROM 123.119.242.*
Yes, I totally agree with you. Before the 2008 Olympics and previously there was a much larger demand for foreign teachers in Beijing/China and a lot less foreigners here, however recently, there are a lot more foreigners and foreign teachers and less demand for them. Also, before, I recall on BBS and other sites, there were many more related ads, but recently now many. I am not angry. I was simply responding to comments. Thanks for your input.
【 在 yangjl (海豚) 的大作中提到: 】
: 呵呵
: 个人觉得你不用在版上太较劲或者生气什么的
: 每个人看问题的角度不同
: ...................
FROM 123.119.242.*