1. 教授美国数学竞赛八年级(AMC8)/美国初中数学/美国高中数学课程(选择其一或多选皆可);
2. 学生都是中国人,中文授课,因此美国初高中数学课程只需要教师具有高中数学知识即可讲解;AMC8需要教师有竞赛经历或数院背景
3. 课程为一对一或一对三,教师需要讲解知识点、解题思路、点评作业
1. 机构有完善的教研材料和培训体系,无需教师研发教材,只需认真接受培训一般即可胜任教学任务;培训带薪
2. 北京地区有面授课程,也有网络授课;初始阶段主要为面授课程,教学能力强或获得学生认可的老师可教授网络课程;面授地址在顺义国际学校区(15号线地铁直达)
3. 应聘和上岗流程:联系机构-通过面试-培训(通过讲题考核后成为带薪助教)-授课
1. 阶梯制酬薪:200元起;累计授课时间达到一定标准即上涨工资
2. 有国际课程教学经验或全国数学竞赛省一以上者,250元起
3. 酬薪均为税后,特别优秀者可面谈
1. 985高校本科生或以上学历
2. 数学成绩优秀,数院或全国数学竞赛省一以上获得者优先
3. 英语不能太差,口语无所谓,但必须能读懂用英文写的数学题
4. 你不必是一个外向的人(一对一不需要什么口才),但希望你友善、靠谱、不能讨厌小学生(目前很多学生是提前学习初中知识的小学生)
1. The volume of a rectangular prism is x三次方y - 63y平方 + 7x平方 - 9xy三次方 cubic meters. Find the dimensions of the prism if they can be represented by binomials with integral coefficients. (清华bbs前端竟然无法展示角标,充分说明离世界一流大学还有一条街……)
2. The Zalinski family can drive the 220 miles to their cabin in 4 hours at 55 miles per hour. Son Jeff claims that they could save half an hour if they drove 65 miles per hour, the speed limit. Is Jeff’s claim true? Explain.
1. On June 1, a group of students are standing in rows, with 15 students in each row. On June 2, the same group is standing with all of the students in one long row. On June 3, the same group is standing with just one student in each row. On June 4, the same group is standing with 7 students in each row. This process continues through June 12 with a different number of students per row each day. However, on June 13, they cannot find a new way of organizing the students. What is the smallest possible number of students in the group?
2.A baseball league consists of two four-team divisions. Each team plays every other team in its division N games. Each team plays every team in the other division M games with N>2M and M>4. Each team plays a 108 game schedule. How many games does a team play within its own division?
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