【 在 DeAndre (东霍华德,西拜纳姆,中乔丹) 的大作中提到: 】
: 需要翻译的文章是一篇论文,大家可以看看是不是自己熟悉的,这样对你我双方都好。具体翻译内容见附件。报酬为400-500元,根据翻译质量调整。联系:站内或15811480747,想做的请把下面这段话翻译了发给我: Empirical evidence on internal control systems and corporate governance in Italy Abstract The Corporate Governance (CG) theme has recently been the subject of significant measures to try to restore confidence among investors by : encouraging information and communication transparency. The Italian Parliament approved Law 262 in 2005; and in 2006 the CG Committee of the Italian Stock Exchange approved the new Self-Regulatory Code for listed companies. This paper deals with control matters and moves on to causes and cases of their failures in relation to a sample of Italian companies.
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