We are looking for 2 to 3 performance oriented postgraduate students in
management,corporate governance, human resource management, organization
behaviour, psychology, law, marketing, accounting and finance. 1. Written
English skill and academic integrity is a must. 2. Excellent bachelor students
with proven written English skills would also be considered. 3. This job is
totally home-based and offers great flexibility, yet guarantees very
attractive rewards. Usually, your payments will fall into the range from 3000-
10000 per month. Anyone interested in this position please send your resume
and personal information to bellaforever@126.com. please use "your university
name_year in college (eg. year 3 undergraduate, or year 2 post graduate)_your
major/program" as the subject of the email; paste your resume and personal
information in the content of the email (do not use attachment). You will be
contacted within three working days.
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