my son, withing my white&silk hair to test,ok?
for your daddy, at last.
now my son, use your lightwhitestrength to getting through your daddy's shen.
and asking him with "are you OK"?
as big as a little mouse for your daddy's shen,
as small as a lightwhitestrength as thinandlong enough as your loveing breathe.
if your daddy are tired, just have a rest, it is (here not enough because i was ling many disease there so weite can go on? i don't want your daddy to ling the expeciment anymore. your daddy's daddy has gone with the wind, somebody now are unknown who is cruel so can you hear me to stoop your father? He is your only one in life. can you hear me? it is not a race for your father and mother.never ever.don't let your play to be a race.i don't think they are sheep or friendly any more. they will go to dongbei or xinjiang? i don't think so.they always get get and get,never give give and give shut and shit. you know? my dear son.let yor father out, ok? you needn't and he needn't.that is not your father's duty. from the beginning. just practice, not be a burden, ok? my son. i have done.i am ok and a little anoid with young, acrually with )not necessary to go to hospital
by subway, just with your phone by yourself.contract with mama.cause darklight
is stronger than whitelight. from now on the hospital too many xuewei.unless
there comes and will be whitelight or fire wei? too many overvalid unvalue addressing adding maybe that is what i am worried about.
Ulan will give enough hairoil for people, not colorhair.and no carburst.
no du with Ulan from now then on me.
I will give the ID OSPP for you, can you accept it?
it's your birthday DATE&@ for PW.
the net will mark all the mistake, you know?
【 在 yuhu2 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: waiting until May31
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Tue May 9 08:07:15 2023), 站内
: for my son
: for my husband
: why?
: i don't know
: 【 在 uq5 的大作中提到:
acrually i am anoid with Germany.
evernever fit dongbei&xinjiang.or xizang.we are healthy enough.
i am the idol fitting the sun loving the nature not for all.
水未央so^……Germany should go followwith others. maybe my mama.
mistakes for me truely for my are s tandard beauty maybe,
we are boring about that.we like nature beauty. you more .
my son now i protect your father but i will get healthy with others.
cause you know whtat you have seen i am in disease with yout father.
i love you you know?forever.unless you hurt me. maybe the zongmouse
need more lightmouse.but i should be healthy enough now.and get more
method for you cause there is old mouse young mouse and so on.
let me think lightmouse and goldmouse for you. one for XB and for father.
thinandlong means do housework tightly not again and agin go to hospital,
if you two are tired with housework you can go to hospital to have a rest.
if the doctor are friendly silk hair your know means xibao
lightcat may help you if you do something wrong or hurt you. for Vango,
that poem for you and your daddy.remember that yuo two shen as big as lightmouse.put that press fron ligtcat ro your lightmouse which will build yyour xibao 4
build build and rebuild, cause no press no xibaopi.forever, remembver?
hight on press on your tooth.continuely. big press make
big press and small press makes bangbang tooth.
big and samll press makes bangbang tooth.
Mkas real and hard tooth.
higher a little than frog's.
: --
: 强奸犯找到了张刘氏(2013-2023)强奸了9-10刘氏肾炎而死
: ※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 183.199.43.*]
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