Maybe the Korean fox and wolf are the tails of the sheep,
Let's run……
Run and run and run until we are not seeing and disappeared
in the higher and higher grass.
So we American Army comes to Korea is to defending and for(murmuring little voice) independence some kinds, they say.
You know, (Crying voice heard from some children) the children afraid of the Korean wolf, and they won't afraid of the wepon of the army anymore. Right? My sincerely Wang XiangBang?
What should we do? Somebody saying they say from XiangBang.
So it's a story likes Bible likes a history of White people at first,
then becomes a story of people of globle.
It's a story some kinds of swallow(引申为悲伤悲痛) you know.
It is raining in Korea now?
Yes, they say.
So it a story about Noble for example from the story of wisdom school like
Harry Potter.
A little swallow you know.
The End.
So the Korean have simple method to get sweet rain but not sault sea water.
How about water of North Korea?
Let's see……
Oh, i see. The chairman Jin of North Korea is one member of the family sun.
Why? they say, how do you know that.
I have heard of a story of chairman GrandpaJin maybe. Some strange things
happened when the GrandpaJin died. Everybody there believes chairmanJinGrandpa
is the sun of North Korea.
Yeah, there will have enough rain if enhance the family sun at last, you know
it is not a maken tale but a science.(a little maze for thus faults of English)
Actually there it should be modify to it is not a weaven story it is a history
& effection. Let me delete the faults after ten minutes OK?
So it is a story of the tail of sheep or goat Not a tale but a tail here.
Don't need to delete anymore for somebody's help. But still a little amazing, so
i am thinking about the medicines. Oh i know it is another story about the word of “science”. still amazing a little. travelling sheep with story or travel means 流浪. My brother Don is one member of family sun forever. I will take him
back from wolf family. My father sun is from the highest ground of ximalaya maybe. Sure, they say. My father sun is protected by Songzanganbu ever so becomes the same person forever.
It is raining still lasting. Where? Korea? Yeah,they say.
Such a story comes because of if not there will be fire maybe for im the firedragonfruits. So keep in touch with me forever.
Some fire happened before if with no tears anymore.
Let's see the teacherSuefruit, tasts delicious and a little sweet at first then a little coffee tasts. Don't eat much more with big mouth but little mouth will be ok.
【 在 bb0 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: Korean fox wolf coming
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jul 6 23:00:33 2023), 站内
: 95公分草原蒙古风……
: thx for you friends remind me!
: 【 在 ScryA150 的大作中提到: 】
: : go back and sleep
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