the praying and singing:
last night i saw a beauty of France,
just like i was meeting a Gadess,
i knew the song sing loving and peace,
a Gadess her eyes liked ruch pure hurting,
it all seems like yesterday,
no far away,
when i close my eyes always,
tropical the wind is gently flowing,
all of the true feel which is wild and free,
this is what i long to be,
the mother land is marcy,
and i want the samba playing,
i wish it's set so high,
ring through my ears and sting my eyes,
you france lullaby,
i fall in love with her marcy,
warm wind carried on the bitch,
she called for smill and showing,
she gave me her hands gently,
i prayed she the days would last,
and i pray us love each other always,
when i pray my tears falling,
when i pain my heart is beating,
she is the gadess my true love of the hold life,
but she is arpart which my pain,
how can we pray for the heal of the pain,
i have been praying for this pain.
the young Gadess is smilling when she is singing,
the pure skill is hurting and moving,
i pray there will be sunlight,
but i am surpise her eyes tears shining,
i can't cry for raise her pain,
but i can keep the pain in my heart not showing,
and the pray i should't he is seeing my pain,
the pain maybe his feeling,
i cry clearly maybe he give and say,
but no ward in the singing and pray,
and i hold no pain because the song is happy,
when she is crying in deep,
i even feel she is happy,
but the words inside,
i can read the pain in her eyes,
this song is they are praying,
no pain and sunshine they praying,
but the meaning is hers inside,
if she is no pain why she prays,
it is shining but who can feel inside?
when she is tried she is singing to pray,
when she is trying she is tried and pain,
when she cry she is pain and praying,
i beg and pary,
how can i do to stop this pain,
how can she' tears make the pray to distory the pain,
just a song i exchange i pray,
but the pain so strong and poor made the cry,
when she is calling her motherland with her pain and pray,
she is where the sun warms the sky,
when it'e time for sieste and singing,
marcy beauty and gentle man are in the slight,
the God is showing the marcy,
when they hear the calling of pain and pray,
i can't belive all of the pray is my imagine marcy,
i can't help myself to hugging the girl i pray,
my beauty my pain my pray,
i can't not cry like a child,
but i can pray to stop the pain,
for her mother the tears pray and hugging.
she is ringing through my ears and stinging my eyes,
she is Spanish lullaby,
i am praying and i begging the God in the sky,
i am thinking i am in the dream,
i am praying,
i am so pain,
i am strongly moving,
i can belive i can't be breathing,
when i see she is dancing and singing,
she is the most beautiful and marcy,
she is singing her motherland's pray and pain,
when she is in the highest of song she cry,
she is the Gadess when she is singing,
but the song and the singing are praying and the pain,
i can't help myself when i was hearing,
the words is saying my pray and pain,
the arpart is her trouble pray and pain,
so she is my trouble pray and pain,
when she is pray and pain,
the song is pray and gave,
i have many words pray and say,
but my hurted and heart is pray and pain,
how can i keep and give she my feeling so pain and save,
just the pain in my heart is pray and say,
i pay my all for she is no pain and save,
but she is singing off say and pray,
i am in deep shaked and pray,
but she don't pray and shake,
because she is pain and shake,
i feel her pain and pray,
and i want to no pain and shake,
and we are hurted by the song off pray and pain,
but we need pray to no pain and shake,
i want our pray to shine and give,
i cry save her by shine and give,
no pain when i give shine and pray,
when both of us are singing and crying.
she is who i long to be,
she is my amazing,
she is my marcy and praying,
she is my pain for hold my life,
she is my love alizée,
she show the samba playing,
she is all of nature wild and free,
she is the best singer and dancing,
she like the sun rise,
she sings like i am flying the feeling,
so high so pure i realize,
i pray the God for the show time,
i meet the God is making the best slight,
when she is singing,
i should be in show time,
she should be so high,
we have fallen in love to try,
like the prue gadess and God's child,
beside the sun is setting so high.
FROM 14.145.11.*