When hCG levels in early pregnancy measures less than 1,200 mIU/ml, the hCG usually doubles every 2-3 days.
早孕期间HCG低于1,200 mIU/ml的,通常需要2-3天翻倍。
There is normally an increase by at least 60% in the level of hCG every two days.
When the hCG measures between 1,200 and 6,000 mIU/ml in early pregnancy, the hCG usually takes 3-4 days to double.
当早孕期间HCG介乎于1,200 and 6,000 mIU/ml时,通常需要3-4天翻倍。
When the hCG measures more than 6,000 mIU/ml, the hCG frequently takes more than four or even more days to double.
当HCG大于6,000 mIU/ml时,通常需要四天或更长时间来达到翻倍。
There is a wide variation of normal hCG levels. An hCG that does not double every two to three days does not necessarily indicate a problem.
【 在 violette 的大作中提到: 】
: 岁数有点大了,37,现在4周+3天, 今天第三次查HCG医生说翻倍不理想,开假条让回家
: 躺着,已经吃黄体酮几天了。以下是数值,大家帮忙看看是什么情况。
: ....................
- 来自「最水木 for iPhone 8」
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