【 在 eGust (十年) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: rust社区大事件:actix作者不干了
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Jan 18 08:42:20 2020), 站内
: reddit 上面感觉每一两个月都会有 actix 关于 unsafe issue/pr 跟作者吵架的帖子。这次又是,没过两天,结果昨天作者发推:
https://twitter.com/fafhrd91/status/1218135374339301378: I am done with open source.
: reddit 上面有人总结的事件经过:
: <unknown> commented: The following code is unsound:
: This uses Rc::as_ref() to obtain a reference to the underlying data, which does not guarantee uniqueness. It is possible to obtain several mutable references to the same memory location by calling this function repeatedly:
: let mycell = Cell::new(vec![1,2,3]); let ref1 = mysell.get_mut(); let ref2 = mysell.get_mut(); // obtained a second mutable reference; UB starts here
: This may lead to arbitrary memory errors triggered from safe code, the most common of which would be use-after-free. These two references do not need to exist in the same function to trigger undefined behavior, they only need to exist at the same point in time.
: A proper way to implement Cell:get_mut() would be calling Rc::get_mut() which guarantees uniqueness instead of Rc::as_ref().
: fafhrd91 commented: This is internal code. There is no repeated call to get_mut() anywhere in code
: fafhrd91 commented: Please, don’t start
这句话疑似是作者评论的。不像是 fafhrd91 的立场说的。
: Shnatsel commented: These two references do not need to exist in the same function to trigger undefined behavior, they only need to exist at the same point in time.
: An easy way to see if this is a problem in practice is replace .as_ref() with .get_mut().unwrap() and see if anything panics.
: cdbattags commented: @fafhrd91, I don't think "unsound" was meant to be personal or offensive.
: Why close this so quickly?
: fafhrd91 commented: I need unit test that shows UB.
: ...
: fafhrd91 commented: this patch is boring
: CJKay commented: So is resolving silent data corruption.
: bbqsrc commented: @fafhrd91 seriously? Please just stop writing Rust. You do not respect semver, you do not respect soundness, so why are you using a language predominantly based around doing these things right?
: JohnTitor commented: @bbqsrc I understand your point, but that doesn't mean you should use offensive words.
: --
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