今天在 r/rust 看到了关于这个的讨论,不过有 tldr 就没看原文:
Pro: The Fuchsia Platform Source Tree has had positive implementation experience using Rust.
Pro: The language provides memory safety guarantees, which reduces the risk of software developed in the language having security bugs.
Pro: Asynchronous programs can be written using straight-line code.
Pro: The Fuchsia project has the opportunity to influence the evolution of the language.
Con: Rust is not a widely used language. The properties of the language are not yet well-understood, having selected an unusual language design point (e.g., borrow checker) and having existed only for a relatively short period of time.
Con: None of our current end-developers use Rust.
Rust is not supported for end-developers.
Rust is approved for use throughout the Fuchsia Platform Source Tree, with the following exceptions:
kernel. The Zircon kernel is built using a restricted set of technologies that have established industry track records of being used in production operating systems.
【 在 hgoldfish (老鱼) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 以下文字转载自 ITExpress 讨论区 】
: 发信人: hgoldfish (老鱼), 信区: ITExpress
: 标 题: [转载]Google 的 Fuchsia 项目不推荐使用 Go 语言
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