- 主题:觉得用回Windows桌面的最大阻力
老友记(FRIENDS) 4-4:
I wanna quit the gym.
I wanna quit the bank!
What is Sign Off (Log Off)? - Computer Hope翻译此页
2020-1-1 · Sign off may refer to any of the following:. 1. Alternatively referred to as log, log off, and sign out, sign off is the process of disconnecting from a network or account voluntarily. For example, to check your credit card balance, you log into your account. When you are done reviewing the information, you log out, which is the same as signing off.
sign off phr v
informal to end a radio or television programme by saying goodbye
to write your final message at the end of an informal letter
It's getting late so I'll sign off now. Love, John.
sign sb off
BrE if a doctor signs someone off, he or she gives them a note saying that they are ill and not able to work
For the last month she has been signed off sick from work.
sign sth⇔off
BrE sign off on sth AmE
to show that you approve of a plan or that something is finished by signing an official document
Major repainting work now needs to be signed off by a qualified engineer.
牛津:open/close an account 开[结束]户头
Remember the time I and you drove into Volognes -- J. D. Salinger: Nine Stories
FROM 106.121.168.*
XPS好看(边框窄)但不实用,mac book air/pro 连好看都不好看(大黑边)
FROM 106.121.168.*
How to Close a Bank of America Account Online | …翻译此页
To cancel your checking or savings account by phone, call 800-432-1000. You can also close your checking or savings account by sending a letter to Bank of America, FL1-300-01-29, P.O. Box 25118, Tampa, FL 33622-5118. The letter should be signed by everyone whose name is on the account. No matter how you choose to close your account, be prepared ...
FROM 106.121.168.*
要是说苹果的界面就是好看就是喜欢,那我也没啥说的,我干过给mac mini配白色显示器(比黑色贵)的事情:-)。苹果有割肾的先例,该人为啥不买别的,SONY和三星也不便宜?我总觉得有装逼犯混迹苹果粉丝之中
macbook air/低配pro tony老师也买得起,tony老师也会用,linux from scratch 估计不会。窃以为逼格从高到底:
1. 做个virtualbox/vmware的mac os虚拟机,可能需要修改virtualbox,这个不仅逼格高,风格更高——会被告的吧
2. PC装黑苹果,这是真爱
3. 买个Apple 2019新款 Mac Pro 32G 256G 八核 Intel Xeon W(3.5GHz)+AMD Radeon Pro 580X 塔式电脑主机/工作站 ,47999,这个还是比较肉疼的,而且好像不含显示器
“这款HP 268 Pro G1台式机采用的是国产化设计,并且搭载先进的兆芯开先E系列8核KX-U6780A处理器和兆芯C960集成显卡,处理器主频高达2.7GHz,且搭载了8M高速缓存 ,并可使用x86高端通用芯片指令集,性能相比于以往兆芯C系列处理器大幅飞升252% ,开机只需要14秒 。”
特朗普和一些美国人you know,买电脑时不考虑下?上述是x86的,能跑windows 10,看帖发帖总没问题吧——不必龙芯 mips linux那么痛苦
FROM 106.121.3.*