- 主题:那么问题来了,循环为什么用for? (转载)
For each mistake, you'll lose half a point.
For every three people who agree, you'll find five who don't.
Who created the idea(s) of the first loop constructs?
For this purpose we need merely compose a series of cards according to the law required, and arrange them in suitable order one after the other; then, by causing them to pass over a polygonal beam which is so connected as to turn a new face ** for ** every stroke of the shuttle,
还可以用foreach,或者#define foreach for
修改:billybear04 FROM 106.121.165.*
FROM 106.121.165.*
【 在 dpblue (deep blue) 的大作中提到: 】
: C++里面的remove并没有remove任何东西,move也并没有move任何东西,岂不是更抓狂?
FROM 106.121.141.*
StackOverflow(difference between String.Empty and string.Empty),答案是没有,在中间语言(Intermediate Language, IL)层也没有。 string是System.String的别名(alias)。string.Empty倒是不需要import System.
""呢?"Use whatever you and your team find the most readable."是被赞最多的答案。
Other answers have suggested that a new string is created every time you use "". This is not true - due to string interning, it will be created either once per assembly or once per AppDomain (or possibly once for the whole process - not sure on that front). This difference is negligible - massively, massively insignificant.
String Interning is a method of storing only one copy of each distinct String Value, which must be immutable.
intern - 实习生。做动词:put someone in prison without charging them with a crime, for political reasons or during a war,关进监狱就改不了了。
FROM 106.121.141.*
【 在 KEILLY (米饭) 的大作中提到: 】
: String这类风格,来自《CLR via C#》及其追随者。
: string才是微软以及编辑器的标准。
FROM 106.121.141.*