Current Build Instructions
SET TIME to 2003-08-01(yyyy-mm-dd)BEFORE extraction
EXTRACT cabs with batch file that comes with it to D:\xpclient if you have no D: extract to C:\xpsrc\xpclient and run subst D: C:\xpsrc
UNSET Read Only
CD to xpclient directory
RUN tools/razzle.cmd offline //add free to build without debug
RUN path tools\sp;%path%
REM lines 154-160 in tools\sp\package.cmd because some TabletPC stuff missing
RUN CheckTestRoot.cmd and CheckTestPCA.cmd
RUN tools\ -NOCLEANBUILD //optional args:-NOSYNC -NOSCORCH
RUN tools\sp\filter
RUN tools\sp\package
RUN tools\postbuild
systime.h is here exinit.c is here
FROM 112.87.94.*