Rust we trust: Shoring up Apache, ISRG ditches C, turns to wunderkind lang for new TLS crypto module
Asked why ISRG is fixing Apache's plumbing instead of leaving repairs to the Apache Foundation, Aas said, "We wanted to get this work done so we found a way to do it. We don't know if this kind of work is something the ASF does. While we did coordinate with Apache community members, we did not coordinate with the ASF itself."
Aas said there wasn't any specific Apache bug that motivated the initiative. "This work was motivated by a general risk profile," he said, adding, "We would love to see Nginx, and any other popular infrastructure software written in C or C++, undertake similar work."
标题: Rust值得信赖:力挽狂澜!扶Apache于既倒,ISGR抛弃C语言,转向语言中的青年翘楚tust重新实现tls的加密模块
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: 作为 Let's Encrypt 加密倡议的发起者之一,互联网安全研究小组(简称  ...
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