- 主题:app stroe应用提交审核总是被拒
FROM 27.208.36.*
apple 的话,都有邮件说明啊 。。
【 在 smthxes (。。。) 的大作中提到: 】
: 也不知道什么原因,有了解的朋友吗?
FROM 123.127.43.*
We've sent you a new message about your app, The brave match man, app Apple ID: 1554653600. To view or reply to the message, go to Resolution Center in App Store Connect.
Best regards,
App Store Review
【 在 shaolin 的大作中提到: 】
: apple 的话,都有邮件说明啊 。。
: 关键字搜也能搜的出来
FROM 27.208.36.*
内购App Store推广我不知道怎么支持SKPaymentTransactionObserver方法,但我选了向所有用户显示,不知道有没有影响
【 在 shaolin 的大作中提到: 】
: apple 的话,都有邮件说明啊 。。
: 关键字搜也能搜的出来
修改:smthxes FROM 27.208.36.*
FROM 27.208.36.*
打开的特性与实际用到的不符导致 ?
【 在 smthxes (。。。) 的大作中提到: 】
: 刚才我检查了一下后台
: 内购App Store推广我不知道怎么支持SKPaymentTransactionObserver方法,但我选了向搜有用户现实,不知道有没有影响
: 还有价格与销售里我上一次提交的时候我选了销售价格,刚才发现是免费的
: ...................
FROM 123.127.43.*
【 在 shaolin 的大作中提到: 】
: 打开的特性与实际用到的不符导致 ?
: 有些第三方lib用到的东西极很容易出这种问题。
FROM 27.208.36.*
【 在 shaolin 的大作中提到: 】
: 打开的特性与实际用到的不符导致 ?
: 有些第三方lib用到的东西极很容易出这种问题。
FROM 27.208.36.*
【 在 smthxes (。。。) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我百度了一下,说程序里需要显著位置加隐私政策网址,我游戏里没有加隐私政策网址,这个不知道有没有影响
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Thank you for submitting The brave match man for review. During our review, we noticed a few things that you'll need to address before your app can be approved for the App Store.
Understand the Review?
To find out why your app wasn't approved, go to Resolution Center in iTunes Connect. Keep in mind that there may be more than one reason why your app was rejected. It's also possible that we need more information about your app.
If you have a question about your app's review, send us a message in Resolution Center. If you would prefer to speak over the phone, just let us know in your message, and we'll schedule a call.
Visit Resolution Center >
Address the Issue?
After you understand the review, you'll need to make the necessary changes to fix the issue. If you need help making these changes, you can get advice from fellow developers and Apple experts in the Developer Forums. If you have a technical question that can't be answered in the Developer Forums, you can request code-level technical support by visiting the Code-Level Support page in your account on the Apple Developer website.
Resubmit Your App?
Sometimes, we just need some additional information about your app, or your app's metadata needs to be edited. If this is the case, you don't need to resubmit your app. Simply make the changes and send us a message in Resolution Center when you're done.
If other changes need to be made, you'll need to resubmit. After you do, we'll typically respond within 48 hours, unless your app requires extra attention.
After we've completed the review, we'll update your app's status and let you know.
【 在 shaolin 的大作中提到: 】
: 一般connect上有大致的原因,一般当前拒绝就违背那一条。
: 另外,规则有很多,可能再审核这次的通过了下次就是其他原因了。
: 你就针对当前的提示就行了。
: ...................
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Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness Your app or its metadata does not appear to include final content. Specifically, your app
【 在 shaolin 的大作中提到: 】
: 一般connect上有大致的原因,一般当前拒绝就违背那一条。
: 另外,规则有很多,可能再审核这次的通过了下次就是其他原因了。
: 你就针对当前的提示就行了。
: ...................
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