我觉得这事儿挺有意思的 First and foremost, we want to apologize. We made a mistake in executing on our decision and took longer than expected to respond back to the community.
目前来看,m$ 战略已经是脱离了传统卖产品的思路,改成了卖服务为主。在 azure 的潜在利益前,其它的一切产品都得让步。但不管目的如何,对开源社区来说总归是好事 -- 修改:eGust FROM 122.59.25.* FROM 122.59.25.*
不知这些算不算 https://nim-lang.org/docs/hcr.html 官方说辞是“Nim - First natively compiled language w/ hot code-reloading at runtime - Viktor Kirilov [ACCU 2019]” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WgCt0Wooeo&ab_channel=ACCUConference