- 主题:突然发现,其实任何软件都是SOA模型
FROM 65.49.205.*
everything anything resort to data flow + control flow, which in turn falls back on Von Neumann architecture, which finally collapses to the Turing machine. what else u can say. but the point is not how to drill down to the bottom of the theory model. rather, is how to find the (near-)optimal data + control flow with various limiting factors. and in order to achieve such a pleasant result, one must start with the highest abstraction, i.e. the so-called business logic, which, matters most when it is not really business but a model reflected in math, based on which one is able to map the model somehow to the primitives that hardware is capable of. such thread suggests that one will often find it's beneficial to build all the abstraction layers on his own, which is like peeling an onion - with tears.
FROM 37.219.71.*
【 在 philbloo 的大作中提到: 】
: everything anything resort to data flow + control flow, which in turn falls back on Von Neumann architecture, which finally collapses to the Turing machine. what else u can say. but the point is not how to drill down to the bottom of the theory model. rather, is how to find the (near-)optimal data + control flow with various limiting factors. and in order to achieve such a pleasant result, one must start with the highest abstraction, i.e. the so-called business logic, which, matters most when it is not really business but a model reflected in math, based on which one is able to map the model somehow to the primitives that hardware is capable of. such thread suggests that one will often find it's beneficial to build all the abstraction layers on his own, which is like peeling an onion - with tears.
FROM 36.112.69.*
【 在 wjhtingerx 的大作中提到: 】
: 给解释下?每个单词都认识,但是不知道说的啥
FROM 37.219.71.*