https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js | wc -c
jquery 是89476,而 vue 3(
https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/3.0.4/vue.runtime.global.prod.js)是71582。如果嫌 react 重的话(react + react-dom 一共100k),还有基本上兼容的 preact(10.4KB)。如果说重的话,那就只有什么都管的 angular 了,但我又没用过 ng 2+,所以具体有多重我也不好评价。
如果你们用的是自己写的库,前几天我提到的 No One Ever Got Fired for Choosing React 里面有这么一段引用:
I have heard from many developers who have told me that they accepted the argument that vanilla JavaScript or microlibraries would let them write leaner, meaner, faster apps. After a year or two, however, what they found themselves with was a slower, bigger, less documented and unmaintained in-house framework with no community. As apps grow, you tend to need the abstractions that a framework offers. Either you or the community write the code.
所以你的 coroutine 有自己的应用场景也的确是有可能,但放到 react/vue 的框架下,基本上就是伪需求了。
【 在 hgoldfish (老鱼) 的大作中提到: 】
: 碰一下也是在用的啊,不能因为不用你们 js 社区那一票重型框架和“函数式编程”就把我开除出前端社区吧。。
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