反正看过别人的描述,我对 emacs 远程编辑的理解就是只能凑合用的程度:
volta83 8 days ago [–]
I think nativcomp doesn't really improve what makes emacs "slow".
Emacs is a single threaded synchronous and blocking UI system. Sometimes when my autocomplete, C++ checking, git checking, auto formating, ... run, the editor freezes, for multiple seconds.
All this stuff runs in the UI thread. Braindamaged.
The other thing that makes emacs slow is remote editing. Emacs TRAMP uses one ssh connection per command. VS Code spawns a remote server and asynchronously updates the remote's state. VS Code remote editing experience is as good as the local one, but emacs experience is supper laggy, recurrent freezes of multiple seconds, etc. Particularly when navigating the filesystem in the remote in any modern emacs way (helm, ido, etc.). Or when auto-save happens and everything blocks for multiple seconds, etc.
I don't really care if native compilation makes single threaded code faster, if that single threaded code runs in the UI thread and blocks the editor for 10 seconds. Sure now it maybe blocks for 9 seconds, because you can't do much about those 9 seconds you have to wait for some IO operation to complete. But that still sucks.
【 在 zyxwvutsrqp (<m|p|n>=1) 的大作中提到: 】
: emacs/tramp 也是直接通过 ssh 打开远程文件,然后直接打开远程 shell 来干所有的事。单线程不是问题。
FROM 101.98.83.*