Can run on resource-constrained devices with as low as 256kB of flash and 64kB of RAM.
Runs directly on bare metal. Currently ARM Cortex-M and ESP32 devices are supported.
Supports common embedded peripherals and interconnects like GPIO, UART, SPI, I2C, USB, networking.
Provides multithreading support natively.
Support for energy-efficient operation such as devices running on batteries.
Support for Interop code allowing developers to easily write libraries that have both managed (C#) and native code (C/C++).
No manual memory management because of its simpler mark-and-sweep garbage collector.
Execution constrains to catch device lockups and crashes.
【 在 lvsoft (Lv(The Last Guardian)) 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在的小孩对这些历史问题是没啥认知的。你是过来人,他们不是,也不care。
: 现在的编译器有一万种方法帮你规避这类问题。而且现在本来就不应该再用这种写法了,都是直接stdint.h走起的。
: 对于老人问这种问题没啥区分度,对于新人问这种问题他只会表达不屑。
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FROM 27.91.71.*