比如一个类型通配符,从scala3.0 到scala3.3就一直在变:
A step-by-step migration is made possible with the following measures:
In Scala 3.0, both _ and ? are legal names for wildcards.
In Scala 3.1, _ is deprecated in favor of ? as a name for a wildcard. A -rewrite option is available to rewrite one to the other.
In Scala 3.2, the meaning of _ changes from wildcard to placeholder for type parameter.
The Scala 3.1 behavior is already available today under the -source future setting.
To smooth the transition for codebases that use kind-projector, we adopt the following measures under the command line option -Ykind-projector:
In Scala 3.0, * is available as a type parameter placeholder.
In Scala 3.2, * is deprecated in favor of _. A -rewrite option is available to rewrite one to the other.
In Scala 3.3, * is removed again, and all type parameter placeholders will be expressed with _.
【 在 fs0 的大作中提到: 】
: 之前写了两年scala,现在三年没写,好多都看不懂了。
FROM 183.192.18.*