有什么问题你直接在 so 上面问啊。
【 在 feng321 的大作中提到: 】
: 一个问题,我好不容易找到答案了,但问题是解决了,背后的逻辑我还是没弄懂。于是在帖子后面回复“referr:
https://github.com/microsoft/nni/issues/5134 dynamic branches use self.mul = nn.MultiheadAttention(128, 4, batch_first=False) (False)can avoid this error
: but after use False,i get a folder named "tensorboard_otameshi", i don't know how to open the file in it,do you know? and i don't know what mean of the False? if convenient ,can add my QQ:1789270840 to discuss”
: 想不到被删帖了。气人,也没办法。就想联系贴主讨论一下这个问题,可是不知道在哪里写信给贴主啊?有类似写信经历的大佬吗?谢谢
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