- 主题:网上说博后访学是副校长团队的
FROM 27.18.219.*
Dear colleagues,
As a Chinese, I feel sorry about the coronavirus that coming from an epidemi
c in China currently becomes a pandemic that brings so many inconveniences t
o you, and even endanger people's lives. Besides the virus's notorious behav
ior, Chinese government's cover-up and WHO's delayed response are also disap
pointing causes that contribute to the spread.
United States is a great country. I believe U.S. will survive and thrive. An
d I hope everything goes well soon.
Best Regards
【 在 futureking (为你而来) 的大作中提到: 】
: 发生啥大事了?抢鸡蛋吗?
FROM 27.18.219.*
【 在 Changi (樟宜) 的大作中提到: 】
: 小哥闲得无聊给大家道歉:
: Dear colleagues,
: As a Chinese, I feel sorry about the coronavirus that coming from an epidemi
: ...................
FROM 27.18.219.*
没有on behalf of all the Chinese已经很客气了
【 在 futureking (为你而来) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我擦,这是把屁股洗干净了送到洋大人面前了吧
: 这厮怎敢用as a Chinese
FROM 27.18.219.*