- 主题:请大家帮忙看看编辑是啥意思?
Reviewer #1: The authors have performed an extensive revision of their submission to the journal, accompanied by an also extensive response to the reviewers. However, as it stands, the revision per se - in terms of the improvements recommended by the reviewers in their initial review of the ms in question - is not adequate in terms of either depth, or critical detail, to grant publication to the journal.
The submission could be considered for publication to a "sister" journal, if the Editors of both the journal and the sister-journal agree.
FROM 61.241.117.*
如果AE说有条件接收,不过要搞定Reviewer #1的comment,那就看看上次意见是啥,写个十几页的答复。
【 在 shong 的大作中提到: 】
: 论文已经修回一次了(当时是两个外审专家),现在又给出了修订稿的审稿结果,只有一个审稿专家了,结果如下:
: Reviewer #1: The authors have performed an extensive revision of their submission to the journal, accompanied by an also extensive response to the reviewers. However, as it stands, the revision per se - in terms of the improvements recommended by the reviewers in their initial review of the ms in question - is not adequate in terms of either depth, or critical detail, to grant publication to the journal.
: The submission could be considered for publication to a "sister" journal, if the Editors of both the journal and the sister-journal agree.
: ...................
FROM 120.230.117.*
AE的意思是,修订稿没有满足Reviewer #1的要求,需要进一步更详细地回答这个审稿人关切的问题,他才能进一步决定。
【 在 jerrykid 的大作中提到: 】
: 没有AE意见吗?看上去是拒稿。
: 如果AE说有条件接收,不过要搞定Reviewer #1的comment,那就看看上次意见是啥,写个十几页的答复。
FROM 61.241.117.*
【 在 jerrykid 的大作中提到: 】
: 没有AE意见吗?看上去是拒稿。
: 如果AE说有条件接收,不过要搞定Reviewer #1的comment,那就看看上次意见是啥,写个十几页的答复。
FROM 61.241.117.*
【 在 shong 的大作中提到: 】
: 论文已经修回一次了(当时是两个外审专家),现在又给出了修订稿的审稿结果,只有一个审稿专家了,结果如下:
: Reviewer #1: The authors have performed an extensive revision of their submission to the journal, accompanied by an also extensive response to the reviewers. However, as it stands, the revision per se - in terms of the improvements recommended by the reviewers in their initial review of the ms in question - is not adequate in terms of either depth, or critical detail, to grant publication to the journal.
: The submission could be considered for publication to a "sister" journal, if the Editors of both the journal and the sister-journal agree.
: ...................
FROM 117.147.37.*
【 在 cannan 的大作中提到: 】
: 你可以去骂街
FROM 61.241.117.*
FROM 183.192.234.*
【 在 h0h0 的大作中提到: 】
: 我个人觉得,别问编辑,就按部就班回答,然后在提交修改稿的时候和编辑强调一下写一下自己是本刊的忠实投稿人,不愿意发表在sister期刊上。
FROM 61.241.117.*
【 在 shong 的大作中提到: 】
: 谢谢您,那我强调一下,这也是实际情况,我去年在期刊上投了3篇论文
: 最可气的是那个审稿人,不明说我在哪些问题上没有让他满意,而让我去猜
FROM 222.129.134.*
【 在 shong 的大作中提到: 】
: 论文已经修回一次了(当时是两个外审专家),现在又给出了修订稿的审稿结果,只有一个审稿专家了,结果如下:
: Reviewer #1: The authors have performed an extensive revision of their submission to the journal, accompanied by an also extensive response to the reviewers. However, as it stands, the revision per se - in terms of the improvements recommended by the reviewers in their initial review of the ms in question - is not adequate in terms of either depth, or critical detail, to grant publication to the journal.
: The submission could be considered for publication to a "sister" journal, if the Editors of both the journal and the sister-journal agree.
: ...................
FROM 111.192.241.*