【 在 G1001 的大作中提到: 】
: 华为某高级干部说过,麻痹的ieee trans on info theory, acm sigcomm这些蜜柚阿三控制的刊物会议,全是垃圾堆。过去10年的paper一篇不看,丝毫不影响通讯产业的技术发展。以后职称评审,这些垃圾杂志和会议上的文章要扣分。哈哈。
ieee trans on info theory头牌Verdu教授的印度学生还曾经写文章说,本世纪很多信息论的文章比较注重理论推导。印度学生原话“I have now worked a little over 10 years in the industry, after getting my PhD. In my very first year of work at Qualcomm, I noticed how even when speaking about the same subject, namely CDMA, academia and industry were on totally different planets. When I was in Qualcomm, I co-authored a paper with Dr. Viterbi, titled Two Different Philosophies in CDMA, A Comparison. I
still stand by the conclusions we reached, though there was a fairly strong
rebuttal from my PhD advisor Prof. Sergio Verdu.”
FROM 174.112.61.*