内容太不严谨了 ,两个名字,还都不对。
【 在 baobd (也许) 的大作中提到: 】
: 搜到了英文的新闻
: 这如果不是有专人写,不可能有吧
: On October 8, the School of Mathematics and Statistics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology released news congratulating the article "Representations of Lie 2-groups and 2-Vector Bundles" by Zhen Xuan, an associate researcher of the school, on being accepted by the top journal Acta Mathematica. The Mathematics Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology issued an announcement on the same day, saying that this achievement is "a significant progress in the research of the Mathematics Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology". Since Acta Mathematica is recognized as one of the most authoritative and rigorous mathematics journals in the international academic community, there are only a few articles that can be included in the journal Chinese mainland for decades, and most of them are collective research results, and 6 authors have been elected academicians. The research completed independently by Hao Zhen can be "certified" by the journal and quickly attracted attention in the academic community.
FROM 223.104.42.*