- 主题:青椒们怎么看自己的论文被说成Paper Tiger?
Paper Tiger? Chinese Science and Home Bias in Citations, NBER working paper
We investigate the phenomenon of home bias in scientific citations, where researchers disproportionately cite work from their own country. We develop a benchmark for expected citations based on the relative size of countries, defining home bias as deviations from this norm. Our findings reveal that China exhibits the largest home bias across all major countries and in nearly all scientific fields studied......Our adjusted ranking places China fourth globally, behind the US, the UK, and Germany, tempering the perception of China’s scientific dominance.
修改:calvinru FROM 210.34.5.*
FROM 210.34.5.*
【 在 calvinru 的大作中提到: 】
: We investigate the phenomenon of home bias in scientific citations, where researchers disproportionately cite work from their own country. We develop
: ..................
发自「今日水木 on iPhone 13」
FROM 114.92.254.*
FROM 183.6.47.*
要是paper tiger就好了,起码可以有帽子
本青的都是paper cat
【 在 calvinru 的大作中提到: 】
: Paper Tiger? Chinese Science and Home Bias in Citations, NBER working paper
: We investigate the phenomenon of home bias in scientific citations, where researchers disproportionately cite work from their own country. We develop a benchmark for expected citations based on the relative size of countries, defining home bias as dev
: iations from this norm. Our findings reveal that China exhibits the largest home bias across all major countries and in nearly all scientific fields studied......Our adjusted ranking places China fourth globally, behind the US, the UK, and Germany, temper
: ...................
FROM 117.147.26.*
要么一年top的 2篇
【 在 victd 的大作中提到: 】
: 只要publication,不要contribution。
: 这就是外面对这边学者的评价。
FROM 115.193.231.*
我估计会进一步推动论文服务的价格, 一篇SCi得10万向上了吧
【 在 hitmanman 的大作中提到: 】
: 这是学者自己的事吗?
: 我校刚出台考核文件,
: 副高一年4篇SCI才能满足考核绩点要求
: ...................
FROM 219.228.146.*
【 在 victd 的大作中提到: 】
: 只要publication,不要contribution。
: 这就是外面对这边学者的评价。
FROM 222.131.58.*