- 主题:椒们,这种情况能修改后重投吗?
一篇论文字数超了被desk reject,
Unfortunately, your manuscript cannot be considered in its current form. This decision is not based on the science of manuscript, rather because the submission does not meet the critical requirements of XXX. The current length of the submission exceeds the maximum length for research papers, as it is clearly specified in the journal guide for authors. In particular, research papers can have a maximum of 8,000 words in length. This counts for the complete submission, including abstract, end notes, tables, references and appendices.
With the large number of papers we are receiving, we must be very selective and are unable to fully review all submitted papers. Although we are unable to publish this paper, we hope you will consider XXX for future papers.
修改:lovefreewind FROM 218.2.216.*
FROM 218.2.216.*
【 在 lovefreewind 的大作中提到: 】
: 一篇论文字数超了被desk reject,
: EiC意见如下:
: Unfortunately, your manuscript cannot be considered in its current form. This decision is not based on the science of manuscript, rather because the submission does not meet the critical requirements of XXX. The current length of the submission exceeds th
: ...................
FROM 125.85.71.*
【 在 lovefreewind 的大作中提到: 】
: 一篇论文字数超了被desk reject,
: EiC意见如下:
: Unfortunately, your manuscript cannot be considered in its current form. This decision is not based on the scie
: ..................
发自「今日水木 on iPhone 13」
FROM 114.92.83.*
【 在 pkucannot 的大作中提到: 】
: 可以修改。这个就是没看内容,太长了直接拒了。不过看你这个投稿连期刊要求都不看,感觉大概率也不行啊
: 发自「今日水木 on iPhone 13」
FROM 218.2.216.*
【 在 myworld 的大作中提到: 】
: 好改就缩减字数重投~~~
: 我也遇到过这种,但是论文字数近万,感觉缩写到8k有点影响内容表达
: 所以换了一个期刊投
: ...................
FROM 218.2.216.*
【 在 lovefreewind 的大作中提到: 】
: 一篇论文字数超了被desk reject,
: EiC意见如下:
: Unfortunately, your manuscript cannot be considered in its current form. This decision is not based on the science of manuscript, rather because the submission does not meet the critical requirements of XXX. The current length of the submission exceeds the maximum length for research papers, as it is clearly specified in the journal guide for authors. In particular, research papers can have a maximum of 8,000 words in length. This counts for the complete submission, including abstract, end notes, tables, references and appendices.
: ...................
FROM 183.157.163.*