【 在 ibm221 (ibm221) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 美帝的非升即走为什么能比较和谐
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Jun 14 05:32:32 2021), 站内
: 美帝不仅非升即走, 各种考评
: 整体名声还不错,
: 甚至是tg 的主要参考依据之一,
: 如欧美顶级期刊, 高级职称是tg 招聘的重要依据
: 几个因素,
: 1 欧美通行的解决方式是宗教一体化,
: 有权的基本上都有点宗教背景,
: 遏制个人私欲无限制膨胀。
: 各种评审能基本维持公正。
: tg 图学其表, 未能把握精华。
: "Religion has the effect of grounding the college student in objective truth, helping them celebrate the gift of their life, religion has the effect of defining the identity of the college student, guiding their development as a self-less transcendent human person, helping them discern and make appropriate decisions, and religion can have the effect of helping a college student heal after serious life-events [that caused] harm/damage," said Lago.
: 2 通过宗教提升道德层次, 既下面的道德准则
: The Spirituality and Religion in Higher Education Knowledge Community adheres to NASPA’s guiding principles as values that guide our work.
https://www.naspa.org/about: Integrity: Committed to high moral principles exhibiting authentic, honest, just, and ethical behavior.
: 3 经过洗脑的管理人员表现出来良好的职业素养。
: 成就了欧美学院的学术水平。
: --
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