Using your own research papers (submitted or published) in your PhD thesis
When you write your PhD thesis, you may already have published one or more articles on the workcarried out during your PhD,and you may want to use this work in your thesis. However, there are several things you should be aware of in order to avoid unintentional self-plagiarism. It is of course acceptable to use your published or submitted articles in your thesis, provided that you have obtained permission from the publisher for this use. Articles may appear in your thesis as chapters or as appendices.
You wish to use your whole article as a chapter in your thesis:
o You must clearly indicate at the beginning of the chapter that the chapter is a published/submitted article and ensure that the article reference is clearly identifiable
o Remember to consult your publisher’s guidelines on the reuse of articles and if necessary obtain a permission for reuse.
o When you use your whole article, you should avoid making changes to the text, although reformatting for the purposes of fitting the article into the thesis format is of
course acceptable (heading style etc.).
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: 给自己学术不端找借口罢了
: 看一下这篇文章 《基于科技论文特点的自我剽窃剖析》
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