1、Limited Foresight Equilibrium
This paper models a scenario where finite perfect-information games are distorted in two ways. First, each player can have different possible levels of foresight, where foresight is a particular number of future stages that the player can observe/understand from each of her moves. In particular, each player's foresight is allowed to be “limited” or insufficient to observe the entire game from each move. Second, there is uncertainty about each opponent's foresight. I define the Limited Foresight Equilibrium (LFE) for this model. An LFE specifies how limited-foresight players' strategies and beliefs about opponents' foresight evolve as they move through the stages of the game. I show the existence of LFE and describe its other properties. I show that in LFE limited-foresight players follow simple heuristics for beliefs and actions. As applications, LFE is shown to rationalize experimental findings on Sequential Bargaining and the Centipede game.
2、Lattice structure of the random stable set in many-to-many matching markets
We study the lattice structure of the set of random stable matchings for a many-to-many matching market. We define a partial order on the random stable set and present two natural binary operations for computing the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound for each side of the matching market. Then we prove that with these binary operations the set of random stable matchings forms two distributive lattices for the appropriate partial order, one for each side of the market. Moreover, these lattices are dual.
【 在 knitr (QiaoGe) 的大作中提到: 】
: 金融独立出来,
: 甚至财政也可以独立出来,
: 但是理论经济学我认为是不伦不类的,国际上也没有这个吧
: ...................
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