(1) In the matter of J Hendrik Sch?n
01 Nov 2002
Bell Labs' decision to fire Jan Hendrik Sch?n for faking data shows that physics is vulnerable to scientific misconduct when the wrong factors line up. David Goodstein argues that the physics community must continue to root out misconduct wherever it appears
(2) Why Do Scientists Commit Fraud?
The latest stem cell research misconduct investigation ends in tragedy.
Aug 06, 2014
Haruko Obokata, the lead author, who performed the studies and wrote the manuscripts, was found guilty of falsifying data. Biologist Yoshiki Sasai, leader of the Riken research group, was a co-author on both papers.
During the investigation, both Obokata and Sasai were hospitalized for stress. This week, Sasai committed suicide at the Riken Center.
【 在 kkkk3 的大作中提到: 】
: 最近要给学生讲一下论文写作中的学术道德问题,想举几个典型的学术不端的案例,各位老师,有没有什么案例是比较重要,必须要提到的,尤其是我国的案例?
FROM 174.113.17.*