Returned to CMU full time after a 15-year "sabbatical" in the industry. Currently based at CMU's Silicon Valley campus on Moffett Field in Mt. View, CA. Teaching 18-740 "Modern Computer Architecture & Design" and 18-743 "Neuromorphic Computer Architecture & Processor Design." Research interests: (1) Data-Driven Modeling and Understanding of Human Mobility Patterns; (2) Direct CMOS Implementation of TNN-based Neuromorphic Sensory Processing Units (NSPU) for mobile and edge computing devices .
【 在 fairytales (两小无猜) 的大作中提到: 】
: 从事科研,不愿意走出去和企业聊聊,了解真实的需求
: 导致做的科研成果毫无实用价值
: 也别说有理论价值…这点写论文的人自己心里清楚
FROM 114.85.248.*